We understand that auctions can come across as daunting for those that have never attended or had much to do with the Motor Industry so we have put together a Dictionary of the most frequent terms which you are likely to hear around a car auction, on our website and as Vehicle Option Abbreviations of our Sale Catalogues.
Ash Tray
An App available for download from the Apple App Store or Google Play for use on smart phones and tablets that allows for remote bidding via Aston Barclay LIVE (Available exclusively to the Trade).
Anti-lock Braking System
Vehicle has Air Conditioning
Alternative Fuel Vehicles - Vehicles powered by fuels other than traditional petrol and diesel engines. Can include electric, hydrogen or hybrid
Vehicle fitted with an alarm
Aston Barclay Assured
A warranty style product offered on certain vehicles offered for sale in auction. For a full description, please visit the Aston Barclay Assured page
The process by which items are sold to the highest bidder within a competitive environment.
The person responsible for controlling the auction
A trade only stock sourcing product provided by Autotrader
Vehicle has Alloy Wheels
The Automotive Benevolent Fund. A charity which helps people within the motor industry
An increment of money offered by a bidder on a particular lot
Bid Now
An online service allowing buyers to place offers on vehicles outside of a physical sale (Exclusively for the Trade).
A person or company competing to purchase a particular lot by placing bids
Bidding Number
A unique number assigned to a bidder in some types of auction
Vehicles has a Body Kit
Buy Now
A fixed price stock locater available to buyers allowing them to source stock outside of physical auction for a fixed price (Exclusively for the trade).
Buyers Fee
An amount of money added to the sale price of any lot sold at auction - sometimes called Commission
British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association. The trade body for companies and organisations engaged in the leasing and/or rental of vehicles
Vehicle has Centre Caps
A trade only guide price and market insight provider
A member of the auction staff responsible for taking payment from buyers and releasing Vehicle Documents and Pass Outs
A list of the lots for sale in any given auction
Vehicles has a CD Multi-changer
Centre For A Day
A sale dedicated to one particular seller, usually taking place at a time when no other sales are schedules and outside of a standard sales programme
Vehicle has a Cigarette Lighter
Vehicle has Central Locking
Vehicle has Climate Control
Closed Auction
A sale only available to invited buyers
Vehicle has a Compressor
Commercial Vehicle
Any item at auction that is primarily used for a business nature. Can include vans, trucks, tractors and plant
See Buyers Fee
Company Fleet
A group of vehicles used for the needs of a business or organisations and usually leasing from a leasing company
Contract Hire
A form of long term leasing agreement offered by Leasing and Finance Conpanies
Cover Note
A certificate of motor insurance provided as a temporary measure until full certification arrives
Vehicle has Cruise Control
Date of Reg (Date of First Registration)
The time at which a vehicles was assigned it's Registration Number
Dealer Group
A chain of car dealerships operating under a manufacturer franchise or franchises or independently from more than one geographic location. A type of seller and buyer at auction
A single location or branch within a Dealer Group. or an Independent Car Dealer
The amount of money that must be lodged with the auction in order to bid in any given sale, or to secure a bid on any given vehilcle
Dutch Auction
A variant of the English Auction system where the Auctioneer begins with a high asking price which is then lowered until a bidder accepts
Vehicle has a DVD Player
Vehicles has a DVD Player with Headphones
Vehicle has a DVD Player with a Remote Control
The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency, an Executive Office of the Department For Transport (DfT)
Vehicle has Electric Front Windows
Vehicle has Electric Seats
English Auction
The most widely used and recognisable system of auctioneering whereby the sale of an item is determined by an increase in the value of bids until a final (highest) bid and bidder remain.
Entry Details
information shown on the Windscreen Entry Form describing the vehicle such as the current Odometer Reading, Service history, MOT and other information of interest to buyers
Entry Fee
The cost to enter a vehicle for sale into any given auction
Vehicle has Electric Rear Windows
Vehicle has a First Aid Kit
Any charge added to the cost of selling or buying a vehicle at auction
Finance House
A company that leases vehicles to businesses, organisations or private individuals. A type of seller at auction
Vehicle has Fog Lights
Fleet Sale(s)
A auction dedicated to, or with the primary purpose of, remarketing vehicles previously owned or managed by a Company or Organisation.
Fleet Vehicle
A car or van which has previously been leased by a company or organisation
Former Keepers
The number of persons, organisations or companies which have previously been recorded as keeping any given vehicle
Fresh Entry
Vehicle or vehicles due to be offered for sale for the first time
The official name for an auctioneers hammer
Vehicle has a Glass Roof
The area in which the auction takes place. There can be multiple halls situated within a auction centre
Hammer Price
The value at which a lot is sold. The value is set once the auctioneer declares the lot as sold and brings down the gavel
An independent company providing vehicle history data
Vehicle has Head Rests
Vehicle has Heated Seats
Vehicle has a Heated Windscreen
An cloud based reporting and stock management tool allowing Aston Barclay customers to view purchases and monitor sale performance
Inspection Report
A document created by an inspector, engineer or auction employee highlighting any damager or issues with a vehicle
Key Room
The office within the auction site where vehicle keys are kept secure and released to a buyer upon presentation of a valid Pass Out
Leasing Company
An organisation with leases vehicles to businesses or organisations to form their fleet. A type of seller at auction
Vehicle has a Leather interior
An on-line auction available to Aston Barclay customers (exclusively for the trade)
Log Book
A common name for a vehicles Vehicle Registration Document or V5C
Any item for sale within any given auction
Lot Number
The unique number assigned to any given lot
Vehicle has Locking Wheel Nuts
Vehicle has the Locking Wheel Nut Key
Main Agent
The authorised seller and servie centre or a particular type, or types, or vehicle within a given geographic location. May also be used in reference to a vehicles Service History which may include a Main Agent stamp.
The maker of a type of vehicle. A type of seller at auction
The difference between costs and outlay to acquire a vehicles and the total subsequent sale price
Vehicle has Footwell Mats
The current total miles travelled by any particular vehicle as shown on the Odometer
A certificate confirming that at the time of the last test, a vehicle met the minimum statutory standards for safety.
National Association of Motor Auctions
NextGear Capital
A company providing stock funding solutions to the motor traders
Vehicle does not have a Service Book
Used to describe a vehicle whose engine will not start
A device which records the current total miles travelled by a vehicles and then displays this record
Open Auction
A sale where anybody is free to attend and bid
Vehicle has a Panoramic Roof
Part X
Vehicles offered at auction that have been traded to a Delaership in return for a new vehicle
Vehicle has Power Assisted Steering
Pass Out
A form given to the buyer of a vehicles indicating that the sale in complete and allowing the buyer to remove the vehicles from the auction premises
Vehicle has a Phone Kit
A term used to describe any items which do not fall into general sale categories. Mainly used to describe agricultural machinery, industrial items or non-road vehicles
Term used to refer to a vehicles Registration Number
Plus VAT
You will only pay VAT on top if you are buying a commercial vehicle like a van that has commercial VAT to be added. You wont be able to reclaim this and it will be on top of the hammer price.
Private Buyer
The term used to describe a member of the public purchasing a vehicles for their own use
Provisional Bid
The process whereby the auction will contact the seller and offer them the highest bid achieved during the sale if this bid has not met or exceeded the Reserve Price
Proxy Bid
A service provided via Aston Barclay LIVE allowing trade buyers to leave their highest bid and allow the system to place these bids on their behalf
Vehicle has Parking Sensors
Vehicle has a Radio/Cassette
Vehicle has a Radio/Cassette/CD
Vehicle has a Radio/CD
Registration Number
The unique code assigned to each vehicle by the DVLA and used to indentify it
The industry term used to describe the sale of vehicles at auction and the various associated services
The minimum sale value set by the seller on any and all vehicles.
The Retail Motor Industry, an organisation representing all areas of the motor trade
Road Tax
The statutory amount payable on all vehicles in order to drive them on UK roads, sometimes referred to as RFL
The stage or podium from where the auction in controlled
Rostrum Clerk
An assistant to the Auctioneer who acts as customer liaison during the auction
Vehicle has Roof Rails
The time during which an auction takes place
See Comments on this particular vehicle for more details
Vehicle has SatNAv fitted
Vehicle comes with a SatNav CD
Vehicle has a Remote Control for the SatNav system
Vehicles come with an SD memory card for the SatNav
Sold As Seen
The process by which lots are offered for sale without guarantee or warranty
Vehicle has a spoiler
Vehicle has suede interior
Vehicle has a sun roof
Vehicle has a Tow Bar
Timed Auction
An online auction modelled on consumer website where lots are offered for sale within a set period of time Exclusively for the Trade).
Vehicle has TomTom SatNav system
Vehicle has a Tool Kit
Buyers or sellers operating within the Automotive Industry for commercial gain
Vehicle has a Television
A vehicle that has been entered for sale but has not been bought either due to lack of interest from buyers, the final bid not meeting or exceeding the reserve price, or the seller rejecting a Provisional Bid
Also known as the Log Book. Shows the present Registered Keepers details and is used to inform the DVLA of any change in ownership
VAT Marginal
A car sold at auction with the statement VAT Margin has no VAT added to the hammer price. The hammer price is the price you pay for that car.
VAT Qualifying
A car sold at auction with the statement VAT Qualifying has no VAT added to the hammer price. However it will have the VAT element stated on the invoice but this cant be reclaimed by a private buyer.
Vehicle Alerts
A system of email notifications allowing buyers to be notified when a vehicle matching their criteria becomes allocated for sale
Vehicle Documnets
The collective term used to describe all legal and additional paperwork relating to a vehicle
Vehicle Logistics
The process and system of arranging vehicles for collection and delivery to and from the auction centre
A term used to describe a seller of vehicles
Vehicle & Operator Services Agency
Vehicle Remarketing Association
Vehicle has a Warning Triangle
Abbreviation of Warranted, used on our online catalogues to identify the warranted status of mileage on vehicles offered for sale.
Warranted Mileage
Used to inform when a seller has confirmed that the current odometer reading is correct and accurate
A system allowing buyers to place multiple types of vehicle into a bespoke list with the My Account area to create tailored sale catalogues and stock lists
Windscreen Entry Form
A document attached to the inside of a vehicle showing the vehicles Entry Details